Sunday, October 23, 2016

Meteor Common Mistakes and Solutions

 Meteor is an awesome full stack java script platform for modern web developers, Since I started Using Meteor recently thought  of writing an article helping the beginners to skip few common mistakes I did at the Beginning, Hoping to update this post in future .

  1. Using Meteor Mongo Database In The command Line while you have an existing version of Mongo db in the Computer

    Since Meteor bundle automatically contains Mongo Database  Meteor projects will be using that as their database server. Solution is very simple while your project is running ,open another command line and type : meteor mongo

  2.  Insert failed ‘/post/insert’ Not found


    If you wish to do something like this  "Sales = new Mongo.Collection('sales');" A shared code in Your Meteor project. This has to be done in a shared location , Mostly recommended pattern is to create a lib folder and add shared code there .
    for more patterns see :  the docs114

  3.   No compatible binary build found for this package. Contact the package author and ask them to publish it for your platform. while adding accounts-password package to your meteor application   

    This most probably happens because you have an old version of bcrypt update your bcrypt version using meteor add npm-bcrypt@0.8.7 

    And now try meteor add accounts-password again

  4.   Expected identifier, number, string, boolean, null, or a subexpression enclosed in "(", ")"

    This mostly occurs when you are trying to use access field names which has a dash "-" from the template 
    something like {{ first-name }}  


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Setting up MongoDB for Windows

1.What is mongoDB ?

          mongoDB is an Opensource  noSQL based database , The design of mongoDB is agile so that your data doesnt get saved in tables , rows and columns . mongoDB saves data in json-like Documents so that data can be changed dynamically .mongoDB uses BSON (Binary Json ) . The main goal of mongoDB is to bridge the gap between key-values stores and relational databases


     mongoDB can be downloaded from the following link  installation is very straight forward 

3.Setting up mongoDB for windows

      Step 1. locate into mongoDB installation path


       Step 2.  To start the DB engine open up the command prompt and        navigate it into the mongodb installation path
                              cd  yourcopiedpath

      Step 3.  Start mongoDB use mongod command in the command line

            u might get the following error 

         it says that create a directory data where it has a sub directory db .
        lets create these directories                        

     So now we have to set this path to mongod.exe  .
                for this navigate back into mongodb installation path

   Step 4.  now we can use mongod to start up our mongodb  and another command prompt  to start our mongoDB server use mongo to start the mongoDB server