Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Setting up MongoDB for Windows

1.What is mongoDB ?

          mongoDB is an Opensource  noSQL based database , The design of mongoDB is agile so that your data doesnt get saved in tables , rows and columns . mongoDB saves data in json-like Documents so that data can be changed dynamically .mongoDB uses BSON (Binary Json ) . The main goal of mongoDB is to bridge the gap between key-values stores and relational databases


     mongoDB can be downloaded from the following link 
http://www.mongodb.org/downloads  installation is very straight forward 

3.Setting up mongoDB for windows

      Step 1. locate into mongoDB installation path


       Step 2.  To start the DB engine open up the command prompt and        navigate it into the mongodb installation path
                              cd  yourcopiedpath

      Step 3.  Start mongoDB use mongod command in the command line

            u might get the following error 

         it says that create a directory data where it has a sub directory db .
        lets create these directories                        

     So now we have to set this path to mongod.exe  .
                for this navigate back into mongodb installation path

   Step 4.  now we can use mongod to start up our mongodb  and another command prompt  to start our mongoDB server use mongo to start the mongoDB server